The ISO forty-five thousand one standard is an international standard based on the Occupational Health and Safety Management System that was made by carrying out national and international standards committees that do not depend on the government.
Approved in March 2018, it is replacing OHSAS eighteen thousand one. Companies that have the OHSAS 18001 certificate have a limited time to make the transition to the new ISO 45001.
Companies that are not certified under the OHSAS 18,011 standard can also implement it starting from scratch.
The law does not force the implementation of the ISO 4501 standard , but having the standard greatly helps organizations to comply with the legislation and, in addition to this, to ensure a safe and healthy workplace.
If your company is small in size or presents a low level of risk, you may be able to prove without difficulty that you carry out efficient hazard management without having an Occupational Health and Safety Management System . A considerably simpler and less bureaucratic approach may be considerably more practical for you, such as the one described in the Simplified Health and Safety HSE Guide.
Implementation of the ISO 45001 standard can help your company demonstrate compliance with any and all health and safety laws. Although, in certain aspects, it can go much further than what the law requires.
If your company already has a well-developed health and safety management structure, or is familiar with other management rules, it may be easy to adopt the ISO 45001 rule. However, if your company is small, with much management processes less formal, so it can be difficult:
This is likely to be particularly the case if they are adopting management standards with which to meet customer supply chain requirements.
HSE focuses on the practical implementation of the standard, including auditing and certification, and if possible adapt it to make it work easily so that it works effectively in organizations of different sizes and levels of difficulty. a way that is always proportional to the risks that must be controlled.
For this reason, contracting agencies and service customers have to ask themselves if the supplier really needs ISO 45001 certification or if they can prove that they comply with health and safety management through other means.
HSE inspectors carry out a wide range of tests and observations in order to assess the company’s compliance with health and safety legislation, it is not only enough to comply with the ISO 45001 rule.
HSE guidance on health and safety management can help your business by facilitating a process-based approach to risk management. However, taking a formalized management system approach, whether with ISO 4501 or HSG65, may not be the most appropriate model for your business, particularly if it is small or has low danger.
Your company can apply the standard to all or some of its activities to help provide evidence of good health and safety management , and improvements made, without achieving certification. For this reason, it can be asserted that it complies with the standard if it is fully implemented.
When implementing the ISO 45001 rule, auditors and certifiers must understand that it must be:
It is necessary to ascertain any auditor or certifier who has evidence that it is efficient for a recognized standard, such as the ISO 19011 rule or the relevant parts of the ISO 17021 series .
The certification body must be accredited by the UK Accreditation Service to ISO 4501 or an equivalent accreditation body that is a member of the European Accreditation Collaboration or the International Accreditation Forum.
HSE recognizes the role product standards play in:
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