Massy Energy Colombia

oil & gas colombia


At Massy we are committed to doing things well, and in an ethical manner, that is why we have available for all our stakeholders the corporate policies and guidelines that we apply in our day to day.

Management Statement

We are aware that the protection of health and safety in all our operations is our top priority, providing a healthy and safe working environment for everyone to return home safe and sound.

Política Integral HSEQ

Declaramos nuestra coherencia entre los principios de Massy Energy Colombia S.A.S .y los criterios del Sistema de Gestión que integra los conceptos de Calidad, Gestión Ambiental, Gestión en la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo.

Human Rights

We affirm our commitment to the principles established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights of Colombia through a careful management to protect, respect and remedy.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Acting socially responsible means recognizing the impact of our decisions and activities on our employees and their families, customers, suppliers, shareholders and the community in general.

Personal Data Treatment Policy

We protect the confidentiality of your personal data, information security, and treat them in accordance with the policies and guidelines of law. Learn about our policy.

Business Ethics Policy

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in the conduct of our business activities as one of our corporate values.

We want to be your strategic partner