
Integral Engine Ajax 2800 0.56 Nox


Optimized power butt

The new power stock retains the legendary durability of the current AJAX 2800 series, but we’ve made it even better. 

New geometric changes in the stock allow for a fully electronic feeding system with centrally mounted pre-combustion chambers. 

The header is now optimized to work more efficiently with substantially lower emissions.

Cooper offers  environmentally friendly AJAX integral engines and retrofits

Cooper has painstakingly redesigned the AJAX 2800 Series engine components   and combustion geometry to deliver a significant reduction in NOx emissions through lean burn and no selective catalytic reduction.

(SCR). The new and improved AJAX 2800 Ultra Low Emissions (ULE) integral lathe-engine now operates below NOx levels of zero.5 g/bhp-hr with a more than 2.5 percent improvement in fuel efficiency. 

Retrofit kits are available for existing AJAX engines to achieve the same 0.5 g/bhp-hr NOx level.

The technical improvements of the AJAX series two thousand eight hundred consist of:
  • High compression ratio track 
  • Optimized power butt
  • Center mounted pre-combustion chamber 
  • Electronic pre-combustion chamber control valves 
  • New electronic fuel injection system
  • Intake bypass system to reduce methane emissions
Key BenefitsYOUULEimprovement
Power (bhp}192-800192-800Same
NOx (g/bhp-hr)30.583%
BSFC (Btu/bhp-hr)780076002.6%


High compression ratio piston

Low NOx emissions are achieved without the need for post-treatment. The high compression ratio piston improves fuel efficiency and allows the engine to run with an ultra-lean air/fuel ratio. 

This piston design maintains AJAX’s legendary ability to allow hot fires and high H2S levels.

Center mounted pre-combustion chamber

Perfect performance requires a precombustion chamber (PCC) design that ignites the main chamber efficiently and reliably. 

By mounting the PCC in the center of the cylinder head, the air/fuel mixture is ignited evenly throughout the entire combustion chamber. 

This term is already proven in the Cooper -Bessemer GMV and W-330 engine  lines  and has been further optimized in the AJAX line. This proven technology provides AJAX with a 0.5 g/bhp-h NOx solution, while maintaining the legendary durability of the 2800 series.

integral engines
AJAX Frame RatingsDPC-2801DPC-2802DPC-2803DPC-2804
Power (bhp/kW)192/143384/286600/447800/597
BSFC (Btu/bhp-hr)7,6007,6007,6007,600
NOx (g/bhp-hr)
Max/Min Speed ​​(RPM)440/300440/300440/300440/300
No. of Power Cylinders1234
No. of Compression Cylinders1223

Electronic Precombustion Chamber Check Valves (ePCC)

The  electronic pre-combustion chamber check valve  (ePCC) is a proven technology that Cooper has implemented in each and every line of   large-bore, low-speed engines , such as Cooper Bessemer, Clark, lngersoll Rand, and Worthington. With the addition of the ePCC to the centrally mounted pre-combustion chamber, each combustion event receives the optimum dose of fuel to create repeatable and stable combustion in the primary chamber.

New electronic fuel injection system

The new electronic fuel system uses an individual drive for each fuel valve, so each tube will operate with an optimized air/fuel ratio. 

The valves create an ideal mixture of air and fuel in the primary combustion chamber, improving combustion stability and reducing emissions. 

The system gives the benefit of high-pressure fuel injection, keeping supply pressure unchanged from the 2800 LE series.

Intake bypass system to reduce methane emissions

As methane emissions face increased scrutiny, Cooper is back ahead by designing  AJAX engines  to minimize their footprint. 

On  two- strokes  like the AJAX 2800 series, the air/fuel ratio can become too lean as power drops.

This results in incomplete combustion and high methane production when engine load is reduced. 

Our proprietary approach to correcting high methane production at  low engine torque  is to bypass a controlled amount of intake air. 

This optimizes the air/fuel ratio for the  engine  to operate under the proper conditions throughout the  engine ‘s speed/load map . 

Non-methane and non-methane hydrocarbon emissions are substantially reduced throughout the engine’s operating load and speed range. 

Exhaust gas temperatures remain elevated under low load conditions, further optimizing oxidation catalyst performance

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
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