
HSE: What benefits does it offer companies?

HSE  stands for  Health, Safety & Environment.  In Spanish, environment and safety and health, which represents the main functions that management systems have popularized.

These are the requirements by which most organizations have obtained a certificate through a certification body. International standards such as: ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 should be considered.

At present, different functions can be integrated, as long as circumstances allow it.

The development that is carried out in the organization with the integrated administration system allows a significant saving of resources and efforts. These systems have common aspects.

It is routine that it is not always easy to separate the different tasks that are carried out by the same person. To know when the requirements established by the management system are being met.

It is essential to estimate the integration of the different systems that form it. All members of the organizations are active and participate in the achievements of the same.

For what reason?

HSE  is an Administration System created to guarantee international  safety and environmental standards . They must be controlled and monitored.

For example, according to the Colombian Safety Council, around 8,900 occupational diseases were reported last year, with the manufacturing industry occupying first place. There is a very high amount when it comes to occupational risks that they present daily.

It is a validation that Colombian companies timely implement the different rules that are established in the management system. It guarantees greater competitiveness and less danger in terms of work incidents.

The system allows a danger to be sustained in the company’s processes, to improve the safety of the worker in the face of the dangers to which he is subjected or the care of the environment.

To achieve these  hse certifications , it is necessary to prove and ensure proper quality management in front of each and every one of the processes executed and complying with the legislation, in addition to all ISO international standards.

Thanks to good management, the company can progress in reputation and obtain the prestige it has.

Each and every one of the  occupational hazards  that directly affect each employee must be prevented. The higher the risk, the greater the care taken to prevent accidents.

It is necessary to find the meaning of each certificate that corresponds within the integrated management (HSE):

  • Occupational safety : certifies the set of activities related to the protection of physical, mental and social health.
  • Industrial safety : certifies that there is an agreement against the dangers and dangers of the industry.
  • Environment : protect the environment or work for the care of natural resources through actions that demonstrate conservation.


HSE benefits for the company:

  • Companies become considerably more competitive locally and internationally.
  • Convenient control in terms of the efforts made by organizations.
  • Company positioning.
  • User trust.
  • Reduction of costs due to work accidents.
  • Improvement of the environment.
  • Improvement of job security.
  • Improves the quality of life of the employee.


The objective of executing the necessary projects to achieve the appropriate results, improves the quality of working life, and avoids negative impacts on the environment.

The projects establish responsible parties with the interest groups and frame the company within the continuous improvement.

Many companies have an integrated  HSE management system . This is based on the following fundamental principles which are:

  • Security and health at work
  • Environment


Nowadays, the role of the integral  HSE administration system is a determining factor in the production processes and in the services provided.

The essential systems exist when we have the globalization of the economy. The homogeneity of the products and the relationship of our organizations with the human being and the environment guarantee that the industry continues in the market.

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